Liquid Nutra-Min is a versatile colloidal mineral solution designed to enhance root development and plant vigor. Extracted from Micronized Nutra-Min, it offers the same benefits as the dry formulation without the need for agitation. Suitable for use during the growing season, it can be applied as a side dress or through irrigation systems.
General Use
Apply 1-2 quarts per acre, 2-3 times during the growing season, for each crop.
Compatibility Liquid Nutra-Min is compatible with most commonly used pesticides and plant nutrients on most crops.
User assumes sole responsibility for non-phytotoxic compatibility with other spray crops.
If in doubt, do a jar compatibility test or consult an expert in spray crop compatibility.
Harmful if swallowed. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. In case of contact, immediately flush with water. Avoid further contact. Non-toxic when spilled or leaked.